Having spent many years considering what I put in my body, it stands to reason I would be concerned as to what I put on my body.
Our skin absorbs around 60% of all what we put on it, therefore when not using an organic skin care range, our skin is susceptible to synthetic pesticides, petroleum, fertilisers or genetically modified organisms before I shifted to look for a purer product that was kinder internally as well as my skin, I hadn’t realised that I was polluting my body from the outside in.
Looking for the right green beauty products for my body was a little overwhelming, what I love about Meraki is it feels indulgent when I use it, the scents are out of this world and people always comment on how delicious my home smells and it’s often the delicious spa smell just lingers long after I have used the hand lotions or light a candle. Yet I can also trust the label and integrity of the Brand which just sits beautifully with my RawChi living ethos. I hope you enjoy using the products as much as me. The range will continue to grow, so keep your eye out for new lines.